Experienced, Professional, Locally Owned


Spill, Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC)

Under 40 CFR 112, the EPA requires facilities that have the capacity to store more than 1,320 gallons of oil to have a SPCC plan. This plan outlines spill prevention measures for the facility, as well as actions that will be taken in the event there is a release. The SPCC regulations require diagrams be maintained for all facilities subject to the SPCC requirements, and that each facility receive a documented annual inspection. JAKD Solutions has extensive experience writing, updating, and maintaining SPCC Plans, as well as generating and updating SPCC Diagrams, and performing annual inspections. JAKD has a Professional Engineer on staff to perform the required PE Certification on you company’s SPCC plans as well!


Storm Water Management

Many storm water projects require permitting through the Army Corp of Engineers. JAKD Solutions can help submit your company’s permit application, and help design your storm water project controls. In Colorado, general storm water management is required by the COGCC for all active oil and gas facilities, and the CDPHE has additional requirements for any active construction site over one acre. JAKD Solutions has personnel certified in Storm water Management, and can help keep your facilities in compliance, whether they are existing facilities under COGCC regulations, or active construction sites under CDPHE jurisdiction, or completing permitting in New Mexico through the Army Corp of Engineers. Give us a call today!


Spill Response and Remediation

JAKD Solutions has professionals on staff who have managed spill response and cleanup activities in New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Texas, Montana and North Dakota. JAKD Solutions is prepared to help our clients manage spills from the initial response, all the way through remediation and closure. JAKD Solutions can assist our clients during assessment activities, and can manage spill remediation and closure with regulatory agencies. JAKD has developed positive relationships with regulators, and is prepared to help our clients work to get their spills and remediation projects closed out as quickly as possible.


Due Diligence

When purchasing new properties, it is important to assess potential new properties to ensure that there are no environmental liabilities that are being transferred with the sale of the property. JAKD Solutions can help perform Phase I and Phase II assessments, investigating potential environmental liabilities on potential acquisitions or divestitures. These assessments can help clients identify potential issues, as well as provide analysis and mitigation costs on the environment liabilities discovered during the assessment. This can be crucial when determining the final price for a potential property transaction, ensuring the potential new owner is not liable for environmental issues at the acquisition site.


Groundwater Remediation

In some cases, operations can impact groundwater beneath sites, requiring that groundwater remediation take place. JAKD Solutions is experienced with assessing groundwater impacts, as well as monitoring well installation, sampling, and remediation. JAKD Solutions has experience working with regulatory agencies in order to move remediation projects forward, getting them closed out.

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Tier II Reporting

The EPA have requirements listed in Section 312 of their Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act that require operators storing hazardous chemicals to submit annual Tier II reports to the states they operate in annually. These Tier II reports list the chemicals stored at these facilities, the location the chemicals are stored at, contacts for the facility owners, and other specific information regarding the chemical that are being stored. JAKD Solutions has experience preparing and submitting Tier II reports, and is prepared to assist our clients with the preparation of these reports.

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Surveys

JAKD Solutions can perform surveys for N.O.R.M. in compliance with 20.3.14 NMAC to help our clients clients apply for an exemption for the licensing of radioactive materials requirements. JAKD can perform N.O.R.M. surveys, and sampling for radioactive Isotopes like Radium 226 and Lead 210. JAKD can also help with the NMED licensing process if your facility contains regulated N.O.R.M. JAKD Solutions has an active NMED Radioactive Materials (RAM) license, allowing us to provide N.O.R.M. surveys for our Oil and Gas clients in response to survey requests associated with 20.3.14 NMAC. Contact us for a quote on your N.O.R.M. surveys or sampling today!

Alternative Remediation Technologies

When removal of impacted soil or water is no longer possible, alternative remediation strategies can be used to meet regulatory closure on your site. In many cases, amendments can be added to the soil or water to aid in natural remediation. Amendments like MicroBlaze, Simple Green , Potassium Permanganate and Hydrogen Peroxide have proven effective in aiding in the remediation of soil and water. Other options like Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE), air sparge and air stripping are all proven alternative remediation techniques that JAKD staff have developed and implemented in the past. Let JAKD Solutions help you determine what remediation technologies may be possible for your project! Contact us today!